
South Bayside Waste Management Authority

Diverting Organics From Solid Waste to Regional Wastewater Treatment Plants for Anaerobic Digestion and Renewable Fuel Generation

The South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA), also known as ReThinkWaste, already had a high landfill diversion rate—over 50%–but recognized there was room to increase its organics diversion. To support municipalities striving to comply with California’s new requirement to divert 75% of organic waste from landfills by 2025, ReThinkWaste needed a system that was up to the challenge of recovering organic material from source separated organics and solid waste streams. They selected a turnkey Anaergia solid waste processing line to add to their main transfer station and recycling facility. The line includes Anaergia’s proprietary OREX® organics extrusion technology as well as bag opening, shredding, and Organics Polishing Systems.

  • Project Location: San Carlos, California
  • Startup: 2020
  • Turnkey OREXTM Solid Waste Processing Line

Key Technologies

Bag Opener
Organics Extrusion (OREX™) Press
Organics Polishing System (OPS)


  • Organic Waste (SSO and MSW)
  • Outputs

  • Organic slurry for anaerobic digestion at wastewater treatment plants
  • Impacts

  • Maximized landfill diversion
  • Reduced landfill methane emissions
  • Reduced collection & disposal costs
  • Enhanced compliance with state regulations
  • Carbon-negative biogas and electricity production
  • Enabled new revenue streams for wastewater agencies that receive the slurry
  • Anaegiya Image Sun Valley


    Chat with us to discuss how we can work together to help communities, cities, industries to turn their waste into renewable fuel.