The Vinaqua Wastewater Treatment Facility in Worcester, South Africa, was built for the beverage maker Distell and their partner Brenn-o-kem to recycle wastewater produced from their distilleries and turn their organic waste into a useful resource. Tecroveer, a South African specialist solution provider in the wastewater industry built the project, with Anaergia providing the overall process design, technologies, and equipment that converts the waste into renewable energy and clean water.
The wastewater, which contains high concentrations of suspended solids, is now processed in Anaergia’s high-solids Omnivore® system, which produces biogas and reduces solids that would have required disposal. The 725 cubic meters per hour of biogas created from the digested waste will eventually fuel a generator to produce electricity onsite, creating a reliable and resilient power supply for the facility. While the digestated cake can be used as fertilizer, the remaining filtrate is treated using Membrane Bioreactor Solution.
Key Technologies
Sprechen Sie mit uns darüber, wie wir Ihrem Unternehmen oder Ihrer Gemeinde dabei helfen können, aus organischen Abfällen erneuerbare Energie zu machen.