Official Opening of Anaergia’s CHP System Generating Renewable Energy at the Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility in Escondido, California

Carlsbad, California, November 7, 2018 – Anaergia Inc. is pleased to announce that a ribbon cutting ceremony was held today to mark the official opening of its Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system at the Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF), in the City of Escondido, California. This CHP system utilizes digester gas from the wastewater treatment process to generate renewable electricity and heat for the facility’s operations.

As a result of this new system, all the biogas produced by HARRF’s anaerobic digestors, which was previously flared, is now utilized to generate sustainable green energy. Anaergia and the City of Escondido have entered into a power purchase agreement, so that the electricity and heat are sold by Anaergia at below market rates, for the operations of the HARRF.

The California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) supported this project.

Chris McKinney, Director of Utilities of the City of Escondido said: ““The City has been continually upgrading and improving the HARRF. The utilization of biogas to generate renewable energy is an important step in optimizing this Facility’s operations and has been a personal goal of mine”.

Andrew Benedek, CEO of Anaergia noted: “The implementation of renewable energy initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment is something that is increasingly vital. The fact that we are partnering with the City of Escondido to do this here at the HARRF is an achievement that has benefits both for the local community, and for the environment”.

Lindsey Hawes, Assistant Director at the Center for Sustainable Energy commented: “The SGIP is a part of California’s efforts to lead the nation in the adoption of clean energy technologies. Locally, residents can benefit from projects such as this new CHP system as it produces renewable power, reduces electricity grid demand, and helps curb fossil fuel-generated greenhouse gas emissions“.

About the California Public Utilities Commission’s Self-Generation Incentive Program
The California Public Utilities Commission’s Self-Generation Incentive Program provides incentives to support existing, new, and emerging distributed energy resources. It is one of the longest-running and most successful distributed generation incentive programs in the country. For more information on the SGIP, please visit:

About the City of Escondido’s Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility
The Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility meets the domestic and industrial wastewater treatment needs of the City of Escondido and the Rancho Bernardo area of the City of San Diego. It is designed to treat a flow of 18 million gallons per day of wastewater. The HARRF has twice been awarded „plant of the year,“ receiving this award from the California Water Pollution Control Association and from the California Water Environmental Association. For more information on the HARRF, please visit:

About Anaergia Inc.
Anaergia Inc. is the global technology leader in recovering value from waste for the municipal, industrial, and agriculture sectors. Through its proven portfolio of proprietary technologies, Anaergia’s integrated solutions create value for its customers in the forms of renewable energy, quality fertilizers, and clean water, while dramatically reducing the cost of waste management. Anaergia’s global headquarters are located in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. It operates out of eight regional offices as well as three manufacturing plants. Anaergia’s technologies are in use at over a thousand resource recovery facilities worldwide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while creating new revenue sources for its clients.

For more information on Anaergia, please visit, or contact


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